Family 624-05-15-80-10-05
(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)
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Assess the current situation with the child's biological family. Look at each category, decide which sections describe the family and follow the outlines below.
Absence - This refers to the lack of consistent contact between the parent and child over a period of time.
Conduct a diligent and exhaustive search of missing parents. The following is a list of resources to be used and/or contacted in conducting a search:
- Letters to last known address
- Registered letters to last known address
- Friends
- Relatives
- Last known place of employment
- Telephone directory
- Other social service agencies (public welfare, mental health, etc.)
- Utility companies
- Employment services
- Probation/parole authorities
- Labor unions
- School and colleges parent attended
- Social Security Office
- Police departments
- Motor Vehicle Registration Office
- Hospitals/clinics
- Child Support Unit (IV-D)
- Bureau of Indian Affairs (Social Services)
- Tribal Enrollment Office
Letters to parent c/o relatives, friends, previous employers, etc. With or without a social security number, address a letter contained in an unsealed envelope to the parent, enclosed with request that it be forwarded - mail to:
Social Security Administration
Bureau of Data Processing
Baltimore, MD 21232
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Records Department
Washington, DC
Condition - This refers to qualities within the parent which prevent adequate nurturing. These qualities should have a diagnosis and prognosis.
Make use of professional consultation if necessary in obtaining a clear diagnosis and prognosis of the parent's condition. These are minimal items to request:
- What is the parent's condition-specific diagnosis and a description in lay language?
- How does, or could, this condition prevent adequate parenting?
- What is the prognosis (future) of the parent's condition: including ability to parent, and expected time for improvement or recovery from condition?
- What indicators of future stability exist?
Conduct - This refers to parental behavior which is detrimental to the child.
Define in behavioral terms the parental conduct which is preventing return home.
In what specific ways is this conduct detrimental to the child?
What conduct indicates genuine caring for the child?